Friday 12 March 2010

Tour de Eifel

Yeah sometimes Life is good, even to nuts. and I were in Paris on Wednesday

The fashion week was over but the city was full of models and fashion lunatics. Besides them a million tourists and one special nut!

J'adore Paris. And this is not nuts
kisses to the world an especially to GGGee from Paris the City for Lovers

Thursday 11 March 2010

London calling

Look where we have been last week. London was calling and we both followed the call.

Huh Big Ben looks great and we listened to the melody of the bells talking to us. Was great. Same counts for West Minster Abby.

While we took the last picture wind came up and nearly blew me away, but saved me with quick reaction. In this attempt he nearly lost his mobile. Good job good job!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

back in France

Last week travelled to France, to be more precise to Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne and it was a nice little french town.

Well you could have read more articles here about a trip to the USA, where went but did forget me at home, while rushing to the airport!!, are you nuts??? Okay let's forget about the past and concentrate on the future.

So after France, what will be next?

greetings to the world from a nut being back in town