Wednesday 9 September 2009

red ribbon hijacked

What terrible news, the red ribbon that was tied to the Zolling sign is gone!! Below you can see the proof of evidence. It shows that a crime had happened here.

Commissioner Herb the Nut is inspecting the scene and will investigate in this case of hijacking! The WIA is specialised in love crime investigations. Commissioner Herb: "We will do everything that is possible to free the red ribbon! My first assumption is, that some one from nearby has taken it away, due to misunderstanding. It may be seen a socialist sign not as a sign for love!"

We wish him well and may Herb the fearless nut and hero of the WIA solve this case.

1 comment:

  1. Hi herb,
    was für schreckliche Dinge passieren dort in Zolling. Oh mein Gott, da hast Du ja einen schwierigen Fall übernommen. Ich hoffe Du findest die Übertäter. Es wäre doch schlimm wenn jemand am gebrochenem Herzen zugrunde geht. Ich vertraue ganz auf Dich. Ich werde den Fall weiter verflogen, also erzähl wenn der Fall gelöst ist.
    Gruß Deine stille Verehrerin
