Monday 4 May 2009


Well in Bavaria they do have a lot of traditions, one of them is to erect the maypole. It is always a big party, with lots of beer - here it was Augustiner - and Blasmusic! Bavarian outfits and so on ....

The maypole is allowed to stand for 5 years, then he must be renewed. This year it was time for the maypole in Ismaning. So I and invites GGGee with two old friends of us to the erection of it in Ismaning. Weather was mighty fine, music was pretty much Bavarian.

It was good to see GGGee again and the party was very interesting, well there is superstitions, that touching the maypole brings luck and happiness, if done shortly after erection of it. So I touched him and hopefully the miracle is working.

That would be greatly nuts!!


  1. Hallo,
    ich hoffe Du und herb versteht german! Ich finde es immer nett wie Du schreibst und vorallem finde ich Dein Fotomodel echt cool. Manchmal sieht man sogar sein Gesicht. Du kannst herb ruhig mal sagen dass Er ein nettes Gesicht hat, vorallem die Grübchen!!
    Lieben Gruß von einem Fan.

  2. Hello German fan :-)
    It makes Herb smile, that you like his face.
    Keep on following, we really appreciate it!
    greetings and Herb
